Let’s Talk: Exams

It’s that time of year again. Exams can come with a lot of pressure and put can negatively impact your mental health. Don’t forget to look after yourself.
Get organised
It’s never too late to get organised. Take some time every day to plan your revision. Break it down into small chunks and prioritise the topics you are least confident with.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of time on the day of your exam. If your exam is in person, make sure you give yourself enough time to get to campus, and plan your journey in advance. If you need to drive or get public transport, no one needs the extra stress of a delayed journey on exam day.

If your exam is online, make sure you get your set up right in advance by checking that your work zone is comfortable and distraction free. Don’t forget, if your home isn’t suitable for taking an exam, you can book study spaces on campus.

Keep up the good habits. While all-nighters in the library are glamourised, it’s really important to prioritise sleep – at least eight hours if possible.
Stay hydrated and focus on eating healthy foods to sustain your energy. It’s OK to have treats and a small amount of caffeine but a focus on healthy foods will help you avoid sugar crashes and caffeine jitters.
If you are feeling really worried, talk to a friend or loved one. Talking about your worries can reduce your anxiety by taking away the power your thoughts have over you.
Take a break

Don't forget to take some time for yourself. Fitting in some downtime is absolutely essential during the exam period but it’s normally to feel guilty about taking time out.
Step away from your revision to meet friends, exercise, practise mindfulness, or just do something you love. You’re likely to feel more productive and energized the next time you revise.
Need support?
If you are finding it difficult to cope during exams, the Centre for Wellbeing offers a range of pastoral services to support you. They aren’t a clinical service provider but they can signpost you to clinical services if you need.
Visit our Let's Talk site - your space for wellbeing support and connection. From professional help to peer-led support, we are here to help you start - or continue - meaningful conversations about wellbeing.
You can also find stories and experiences shared by other members of our community in the hope that it will encourage others to talk about the issues they are facing, embrace their uniqueness, and improve their own physical and mental wellbeing.